Wednesday, July 6, 2011

U-Curve Model

by Brittany Taylor
FOR MY SECOND journal, I will focus on the U-Curve Model.

After living in Italy for a year, I was ecstatic to be returning for a month. I grabbed all of my Italian books and tried to practice. Arriving I fell full swing into the honeymoon stage. I knew Florence. I did not only fall in love with the city but the way of life and the souvenirs I had to purchase. While in the Uffizi I turned to Amanda and said, “I couldn’t put my new leather bag on the floor in the bathroom. We are still in the honey period.” Not knowing that this infatuation period would turn so quickly.

Crisis struck when we arrived in Cagli. Not knowing my way around and the linguistic difference made me feel inept. Some locals speak a Cagliese dialect and I did not understand. I was scared to make mistakes.

After a week of living in Cagli, I am beginning to find my footing. I feel more comfortable here. The locals and I are becoming acquaintances and they do not judge me when I fumble my words.

The adjustment in Cagli is that I am allowing myself to accept the linguistic differences. The people of Cagli can tell that I am trying. The smallest effort goes a long way with the locals.

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