Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Italian Time

by Adam Holst
DISCOVERING the fantastic hiking in and around Cagli has been a wonderful surprise. Most days, I’ve been up early to head up the mountain. The hike is difficult but the reward is fantastic.

At the end of the trail sits a farm. I am writing my profile story on the man who owns this farm. He and his wife have been inviting me in for coffee and pastry most mornings. At first I declined but then realized this was probably every insulting. “The Italian Way” addressed the importance of the kitchen in Italian culture. “Travel as a Political Act” provided real life examples of how other countries value and allot their time. I knew from these readings that it was an honor to be invited into this home. When they offered again, I accepted.

Nobody was with me the first time I stopped in for breakfast. My Italian is limited to say the least. We sat there trying to converse. We found each other’s ages. We told each other about our families. They showed me pictures. It was great.

After about an hour I realized it was time to go…class was about to start. I was able to communicate that class started soon and I needed to leave. They realized I had to leave, but we still hadn’t had our coffee. I didn’t know what she was saying, but I could tell I was not going to leave just yet. I sat back down and finished the coffee with them. Class would have to wait. I was on Italian time.

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